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In three cities or regions in Austria, Germany and Spain respectively, participation procedures on climate protection are analyzed. A citizen panel, where citizens are involved in a continuous participation process, is investigated in all cities/regions. Particpants will learn the interrelations in the topic of climate saving in order to support sustainable learning for a more self-conscious behavior.
Via the changes of CO2-emissions over time caused by the participants in their daily life, the impact and sustainability of the participation procedure is to be determined. For this purpose, the participants periodically enter their consumption data in a CO2-calculator. The following cities and regions take part in the project:


For Germany, the two cities Bremen and Bremerhaven and the municipality of Wennigsen (Deister) incl. the Calenberger Land region are taking part in the project.

Bremen is the first city where the citizen panel is implemented and evaluated; Bremerhaven followed in November 2010. Contact and project partner for Bremen and Bremerhaven is the climate protection agency energiekonsens. This non-profit agency works at making the use of energy in companies and in private and public buildings as efficient and climate-friendly as possible. They organize information campaigns, tie networks, convey knowledge to experts and consumers, etc. They are a neutral and independent intermediary and pace setter and therefore an ideal partner for the coordination of the participation procedure on climate protection in the city and state of Bremen. With Wennigsen (Deister) incl. the Calenberger Land, a third partner could be enlisted. This partner is supported by the climate protection agency of the region of Hanover. Project kick-off is on 14 April 2011.


In Austria the Mariazell Region decided to take part in the project as well as the City Council of Bregenz. Negotiations are currently conducted with Vienna.


For Spain, the cities of Zaragoza and Pamplona could be enlisted. For another partnership, negotiations are conducted with the Biskaya region.